What is the Importance of Governance in AI

The latest regulatory developments in AI will help define AI compliance’s future. In this article, let’s explore the importance of Artificial Intelligence governance.

Since the launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, millions of users globally have interacted with it. There is a significant advancement in generative artificial intelligence (AI). These AI foundation models have many use cases across all industries. Generative AI is the next big thing in the tech world currently.

The AI landscape today is witnessing a tremendous paradigm shift. There is a surge in the adoption of AI across industries with proven use cases of generative AI.

This technology can help businesses leverage large data volumes. It has immense potential to redesign and discover new solutions for businesses.

Despite the tremendous hype around AI and its applications, it has a few inherent risks. Industry veterans are raising grave concerns about the use and applications of AI. Following are a few concerns that they make the use of AI questionable:

  • How to trust the framework and results of these models?
  • How to ensure these models are used ethically and for the right purposes?

For instance, generative AI models can generate trustworthy, well-structured outputs. Identifying inaccurate outputs without the right subject matter expertise can be challenging. There is a tremendous revolution in the AI landscape. Hence industry veterans and other regulatory bodies are discussing AI governance.

Regulatory bodies globally are planning to enforce AI guidelines and AI governance frameworks. Despite the laws, businesses should have internal AI governance policies. These guardrails are essential to monitor how they develop and deploy AI.

Facilitating the responsible use of AI needs stringent governance policies. Enterprises should define and set ownership of responsibility throughout the AI lifecycle. It is an effective approach to ensure that generative AI models adhere to certain rules.

Businesses should develop AI based on the following principles:

  • Fairness,
  • Explainability,
  • Robustness,
  • Transparency,
  • and privacy.

A holistic AI governance policy should have a perfect alignment between people, processes, and technology.

It is crucial to set AI governance processes throughout the organization. These processes should help to define when, where, and how to integrate AI across the business. Organizations should establish AI and corporate governance based on business values, ethical principles, regulations, and compliance laws.

Businesses can set up an AI ethics board that governs, reviews, and makes final decisions.

AI governance tools will assist in enforcing guardrails at every AI/ML lifecycle stage—the latest regulatory developments in AI demand that businesses collect data ethically.

Effective artificial intelligence Governance solutions assist businesses in developing a transparent model management process. These AI governance tools gather model development time, metadata, post-deployment model tracking, and tailor-made workflows.

There will be a significant advancement in the AI landscape in 2024. Embracing robust enterprise AI governance frameworks will be essential for businesses. Enterprises that do it well in advance can responsibly embrace this technology now and in the future.

What is artificial intelligence (AI) governance?

Artificial intelligence governance is the ethical and legal guide for AI models. These AI governance policies are essential to ensure AI models are designed and developed ethically and responsibly.

The latest regulatory developments in AI bridge the gap between accountability and ethics in AI advancement.

The adoption of AI is increasing in the following industries:

  • Healthcare,
  • Transportation,
  • Retail,
  • Financial services,
  • Education
  • Public safety.

Hence, artificial intelligence governance is important and plays a significant role.

AI governance should define who is in control of monitoring it.

Following are a few key concerns decision-makers should consider for developing an AI governance framework:

  • Evaluating AI safety,
  • Understanding the sectors suitable for AI automation,
  • Enforcing legal and institutional structures for AI use,
  • Setting rules to define who has control and access to personal data,
  • Consider all the moral and ethical questions raised because of AI.


The need for artificial intelligence governance

AI governance is crucial when ML frameworks make decisions. Artificial intelligence bias raised significant concerns about the use of AI. There is a need for AI governance because it will help to define the best to handle scenarios for AI-driven decisions. Governance of AI is a need to evaluate if the results are unjust or violate any human rights.

The sudden increase in the adoption of AI tools in multiple sectors raised grave concerns about its ethics, reliability, transparency, and compliance. Its non-compliance with existing laws like the General Data Protection Regulation increases the concerns.

Without stringent AI governance policies, AI tools could pose risks like biased decision-making. Moreover, there is a significant chance of privacy violations and data misuse.

AI governance facilitates ethical and constructive AI technology utilization. It also facilitates securing user rights and avoiding potential harm.

The importance of AI governance

Governance of AI cohesively compiles the rules, practices, and processes of artificial intelligence. It defines the ways how to direct and control AI.

Artificial intelligence governance helps organizations to make the most of the technology while reducing costs and risks.

Highly regulated sectors like finance must implement a robust AI governance framework to overlook an AI strategy effectively. These AI governance policies should define a transparent strategy for using AI. It should also have guardrails to define how they collect and manage data for the AI foundation models.

Moreover, it is also crucial to detect and mitigate risks in conjunction. Businesses must maintain stringent data security without compromising compliance with legal requirements. Following are a few key benefits of implementing an AI governance framework:

  • Better decision-making: 

Enterprise AI governance helps to offer better access to data. It also is beneficial to make more accurate forecasts.

  • Improved efficiency and minimized costs:

AI automates routine tasks and processes. Enforcing an AI governance framework will ensure that AI tools work accurately.

  • Enhanced customer service and engagement:

AI-enabled chatbots enhance customer interactions. Setting governance for AI will ensure that AI tools deliver non-biased outputs.

Businesses need to hire skilled resources to design and enforce AI governance frameworks. Along with resources, they also need the right tools to monitor and evaluate data.


AI governance should be based on existing and future demands.

Organizations should embrace controls to evaluate and monitor the AI foundation models’ objectives, data requirements, expected performance levels, and trustworthiness. These parameters must be evaluated based on the company’s risk appetite to set an AI governance framework. In the next article, let’s look at the components of AI governance.

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